Today’s my wedding anniversary. The occasion gives opportunity to reflect on things I love. After many project management years, I ran into Agile Scrum. The simplicity of the framework caught my attention right away. Little did I realize what lies under the surface. When the purpose of things like user stories sink in, things begin to look strange. How do you respond to a user story being a “promise to have a future conversation”? What’s up with independent cross functional teams? How does one get beyond egos and territorial disputes? If that weren’t enough, how does one inspire a group of engineers and stakeholders to produce something of tested value every couple of weeks? Lowering the boat over the side and throwing away the ores, may sound extreme, but it works. Not giving up, allowing the framework to work and embracing its underlying principles while growing as the Agile community gives new ideas enables success. Its been a long time coming, but finding a project management framework that brings transformational solutions to market that end users love, while at the same time sending teams home on time is nothing short of a miracle — just like a great marriage!